My Favourites From The Blogosphere

For the past five years, I have been a loyal follower of Just The Facts, Baby, and I am relieved to see that the authors know that my baby has grown-up and that I now need answers to kiddie problems.  Nancy Ripton and Sydney Loney have launched the next step with Just The Facts, Kid.  The same unbiased advice, product reviews and easy solutions for everyday problems but for your growing kiddies.  Visit their site and sign up for their Just The Facts, Kid newsletter.

Over at 1000 Awesome Things, author and blogger Neil Pasricha wrote a touching post about his immigrant father and the mutual adoration they have for each other.  Warning: you will need your tissue for this one!

My oldest son has become very interested in all things zodiac lately.  I came across the Zodiac Collection from Serena and Lily.  Zodiac pillows and artwork for the walls.  Lots of fun!  However, I know better.  Throw pillows literally translate to “throw pillows” in my house of boys (husband included).  I wonder if I could use the zodiac art as inspiration for our own zodiac creation?

Superstar blogger, Pioneer Woman (and if you have not checked out her site, I suggest that you do) did an excellent post this month on stocking your pantry.  For cooking beginners like myself, this sort of information is invaluable.  I also enjoy her recipes.  She illustrates each step with photographs – my iPad is on the counter when I am cooking her yummy (and easy) pasta salad or her sherried tomato soup (that makes me salivate that the thought of it!).

The sporting world lost of one its greats this month with the passing of extreme skier Sarah Burke.  Sarah’s effort for women to be recognized in this sport is unparalleled.  Many of the world’s leading female extreme athletes believe that Sarah was instrumental in propelling females in this male-dominated arena.  Whether you have girls or not, Sarah Burke is a true Canadian superstar who will live on every time a young woman pushes out of the gate at the top of a mountain or overcomes obstacles to achieve her dream.  Click here to read a touching tribute.

And my very favourite from the blogosphere this month . . . from the Momoir Blog

I have a running joke with a girlfriend about “The Laundry Fairy” who visits our house and miraculously does the family laundry.  Apparently, she has one too.  I am training my sons to sort, fold and put away their laundry (I will make someone a good mother-in-law one day), but for some reason, I am having a tougher time getting the biggest guy in our home to realize that the Laundry Fairy is not real.  Maybe I should take a page from Victoria O’Dea’s book, The Laundry Fairy:  An Experiment in Teaching My Husband A Thing Or Two.  Read this and you will definitely enjoy a morning laugh!

2 thoughts on “My Favourites From The Blogosphere

  1. Funny, my house seems to have laundry, bed making and dishwasher fairies! Do the boys want to come help with the laundry at my house?!

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