If it isn’t snowsuits….

slide2imageIf it isn’t snowsuits, it’s sunscreen.

Although this winter felt like the winter that would never end, we are well into spring now, and that means more hours under the thinning ozone in the sun and in the dirt.  I am no fan of sun or summer, I have to say, being allergic to the sun myself and averse to the morning battles with the kids over sunscreen.  I know that I am in the minority, wishing for winter again, but these sunscreen battles give me the blues.  (Readers!  Please tell me what you do!!)  Eldest spent 15 minutes Sunday trying to argue his way out of sunscreen.  I wanted to tear my hair out.

At least washing it all off at the end of the day has been joyful.

The folks at Kandoo sent us some samples of their kids’ line, and my youngest kids are loving their shampoo and bubble bath.

“Mmmmm.  This smells good!” Littlest says as he lathers up and washes away the sunscreen and the grime of the dusty days.  Middlest agrees whole heartedly.  No coaxing, no wheedling from me.  No complaining, no hesitation from them.

Lather, rinse, reapeat has never been so easy.

Now, if only someone could recommend sunscreen they would so gleefully smear on….

4 thoughts on “If it isn’t snowsuits….

  1. I’ll be in that situation soon enough I’m sure, and just got burned on the weekend. Though I would never advocate no sunscreen, it may only take one sunburn for the kid to clue in. But no one should learn that way!

  2. Trying to get sunscreen on is just awful. Some days I’d rather wrestle a mountain lion than even attempt it. I start with the parts the Wee Monkey dislikes the least (legs, arms) and move onto the parts he dislikes the most (face, ears neck). Always a challenge. Never seems to get any easier.

  3. I can totally relate. My two year old starts a crying tantrum even when I say I am putting sunscreen on myself. If your kids really like those new cleaning products try telling them that they are specially formulated to remove sunscreen. And that they will only be used on days that they put on sunscreen. Maybe after a few days they will just get into the routine of it.

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